The Different Types of Martial Arts for Fitness

Martial arts are a great way to improve your physical fitness. They combine cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises all in one practice. If you’re considering trying out martial arts for fitness, here are four types that you might want to consider.

Muay Thai

Though not usually found in ADCC, we’re including it for readers interested in the potential health benefits some forms of training may offer. Muay Thai, also known as the “Art of Eight Limbs,” is a dynamic and versatile martial art that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Originating from Thailand, Muay Thai is a striking-based discipline that utilizes punches, kicks, elbows, and knees to attack opponents. Its emphasis on full-body movement makes it an excellent form of exercise for improving overall physical fitness.

One of the key benefits of Muay Thai training is improved cardiovascular endurance. The fast-paced nature of Muay Thai requires practitioners to move continuously, pushing their cardiovascular system to the limit. This can lead to increased stamina and endurance, allowing individuals to engage in physical activity for longer periods of time.

In addition to cardiovascular endurance, Muay Thai is also effective for improving core strength. Practitioners must engage their core muscles in order to generate power and stability during strikes, kicks, and other movements. This can lead to stronger abdominal muscles and improved overall core stability.

Another benefit of Muay Thai training is improved overall body coordination. The art of Muay Thai requires practitioners to use their hands, feet, knees, and elbows in a variety of combinations, which can help to improve overall body awareness and coordination.

Muay Thai training is also an effective way to relieve stress and improve mental health. The intense physical activity involved in Muay Thai training can release endorphins, natural mood-boosters that can help to reduce stress and improve mood.

Isshin Ryu Karate

Isshin Ryu Karate is a traditional style of karate that was created by Tatsuo Shimabuku in 1956. It is based on the Okinawan martial arts styles of Shorin-ryu, Goju-ryu, and Kobudo. The art incorporates both empty-hand techniques and weapons such as the bo staff, sai, and nunchaku.

One of the key benefits of practicing Isshin Ryu Karate is improved posture. Proper alignment of the spine is essential in karate training as it helps practitioners maintain balance, stability, and control during techniques. The practice of Isshin Ryu Karate focuses on maintaining a straight back and upright posture, which helps to strengthen the muscles of the back and core, leading to improved overall posture.

Another benefit of Isshin Ryu Karate is improved balance. The art requires practitioners to shift their weight quickly and efficiently, and to maintain their balance during strikes and kicks. This helps to improve overall balance and coordination, which can be beneficial in many aspects of daily life, such as walking, running, and other physical activities.

Isshin Ryu Karate is also an excellent martial art for improving overall strength. The art involves a variety of striking techniques, such as punches, kicks, and strikes, that require practitioners to engage their entire body in the movements. Practitioners must generate power through their hips and core, which helps to build overall strength and muscular endurance.

In addition to the physical benefits, practicing Isshin Ryu Karate can also have mental benefits. The art requires practitioners to focus and concentrate, which can improve mental clarity and focus. It can also help to reduce stress and anxiety by providing an outlet for physical activity and a sense of accomplishment.

Boxing Gym

Boxing is a popular combat sport that dates back to ancient times. It involves two fighters who use their fists to punch each other while wearing padded gloves and following strict rules. Boxing is often practiced in a ring, with rounds lasting between two and three minutes, and the winner being determined by either a knockout or points awarded by judges.

Boxing gym workouts are a great way to improve your physical fitness. The sport requires a lot of cardiovascular endurance, as rounds can be very intense and last for several minutes. This type of workout can help you improve your stamina and overall cardiovascular health. Additionally, boxing gym workouts often involve a variety of drills and exercises that can help improve your agility and coordination.

Boxing is also an excellent way to improve your upper body strength. The punches used in boxing are not only a great way to develop muscular endurance, but they also help to tone and shape the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and chest. A good boxing workout can help to increase muscle mass and overall strength in these areas.

Another benefit of boxing is that it can improve your hand-eye coordination and reflexes. As a boxer, you must be able to quickly and accurately anticipate your opponent’s moves and respond accordingly. Through consistent training, you can improve your reaction time and accuracy, which can be beneficial in many other sports and activities.

Many boxers report feeling more confident and self-assured after training, as they develop a greater sense of control over their body and mind. The discipline required to become a skilled boxer can also help to improve focus and mental clarity, leading to a greater sense of overall well-being.

Jiu Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu is a martial art that originated in Japan and has since spread around the world. Unlike other martial arts, Jiu Jitsu places a greater emphasis on ground fighting and grappling techniques, such as joint locks and chokes, rather than striking. The goal is to use an opponent’s own weight and momentum against them, making Jiu Jitsu an effective martial art for self-defense.

One of the benefits of practicing Jiu Jitsu is that it can help improve your core strength. In Jiu Jitsu, many of the movements and techniques require the use of your core muscles to maintain balance and control. As a result, regular Jiu Jitsu training can lead to a stronger and more stable core.

In addition to core strength, Jiu Jitsu can also help improve your flexibility. Many of the techniques involve twisting and turning your body in different ways, which can help to increase your range of motion and overall flexibility. This can be beneficial not only for Jiu Jitsu training but also in other areas of your life, such as improving posture and reducing the risk of injury.

It can also help improve your overall body control. In Jiu Jitsu, you learn how to move your body in a fluid and controlled manner, which can improve your balance and coordination. As you progress in your training, you will become more aware of your body and how to use it efficiently.

Jiu Jitsu training also helps develop mental toughness and discipline. Because it is a physically demanding martial art that requires focus and concentration. With consistent training, students can develop mental toughness and discipline, which can be beneficial in all areas of your life.


Wrestling is a physically demanding sport that involves grappling, takedowns, and pinning an opponent to the ground. It can provide a range of physical and mental health benefits.

One of the most significant physical benefits of wrestling is improved overall body strength. The sport requires the use of nearly every muscle group, including the legs, arms, and core muscles. This results in increased muscular endurance, power, and speed. The intense physical activity involved in wrestling also helps to improve cardiovascular endurance, leading to better heart health.

Wrestling also helps to improve agility, balance, and coordination. The sport involves rapid changes in direction and quick movements, which require excellent balance and coordination. It  improves reaction time and reflexes, making it an excellent form of training for other sports or activities that require these skills.

In addition to the physical benefits, it can also have positive effects on mental health. Wrestling requires discipline and focus, which helps build mental toughness. The sport also teaches perseverance, as wrestlers must work hard to improve their skills and techniques. It also improves self-confidence that comes from learning new skill or technique or through challenging difficult opponents. Because of this, wrestling teaches how to cope with failure and setbacks. Wrestlers often experience losses, and learning to bounce back from those losses can help develop resilience and mental toughness. The sport also teaches humility and respect, as wrestlers must respect their opponents and follow rules and regulations.

💡 key Takeaway: Regardless of which martial art you choose, when done consistently and properly, they all can provide excellent physical fitness benefits.

Continue reading next: Traditional workouts for fitness